Wednesday, September 9, 2009

One Year Later...........

Just a year ago we were at the peak of the Great Recession. The fall of Fannie Mae, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns just to name a few. It resonated throughout the world as people started to spend less and save more. Today the economic crises is still being felt in many countries. In the U.S. alone the unemployment rate is approaching its highest level in 30 years. But despite these economic hardship, we as network marketers, must continue to work together for our community. We all must work hard and stand firm despite the adversity. Albert Einstein proposed three rules of work:
  • "Out of clutter, find simplicity."
  • "From discord, find harmony."
  • "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"
In the book "Exploit Chaos" author Jeremy Gutsche, an innovation expert and host of Trend Hunter TV, "one of North America's most requested keynote speakers", and the founder of, the world's largest network for trend spotting and innovation wrote: "The Internet has created a world cluttered with chaos, but it has also created the world's first viral platform for ideas. Well-packaged stories travel faster than ever before. Unfortunately, most marketers are stuck in a world dominated by traditional advertising and cliché. By cultivating infection, your ideas will resonate, helping you to leapfrog ahead of the competition". We must be adoptable to change and stimulate the need for creativity. As we move forward onto the next decade we must also overcome the adversities and be willing to meet the market needs to enjoy remarkable success.
By Frantz Philippi CEO of

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